Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Identifying Social media addiction

Social media addiction has become a common and raging psychological disorder with adolescents, young adults and adults all coming in its grip.

It is important to understand what kind of social media behavior will qualify as an "addiction".  To make it easy let us consider the term "Psychological dependence". Whenever we become "dependent" on any object or behavior and without which we experience distress then it can be considered as addiction.

I am seeing a lot of such cases in my clinic nowadays where children as young as 11 years old are getting hooked to sites like Instagram, online games like PUBG, Fortnite , Facebook, Snapchat, tik tok etc.

The children brought to my clinic have lost interest in studies, friends, play, and all other activities.
🔻They are using screen for as long as 4 to 16 hrs a day.
🔻They just want to be left alone with their phones.
🔻Any attempt to talk to them or scold them is met with stiff resistance and aggression.
🔻They are up in bed for hours till early morning and as a result have to skip school.

They do not show any motivation to modify their behaviour and are reluctant and hostile when brought to the clinic.

This is because it is too late before the parents take this action. It would be helpful if parents know the telltale signs of whether the child is slipping into dependance and take an early action.

The important things to look for could be :

1. Is your child having unlimited access to smartphone?

2. What is the total "screen time" of your child?

3. What are the other activities that your child participates in?

4. Are you aware what social media sites your child is visiting or using?

5. Are you aware of which online games is he playing?

6. Has your child's interest in his other activities reduced off late?

7. What is his sleeping pattern?

8. Do you notice any changes in his mood?

9. Is his academic performance deteriorating suddenly?

10. Does he become defensive , aggressive, or starts crying when you try to control his phone usage?

11. What is the level of his actual social interaction with his peers and family?

Answers to some of these questions should start you thinking on lines of seeking help.

The Psychological counseling for such addictions is a specialised treatment like any other addiction.

Some of the points which could help in dealing with these children could be :

1. Initially an attempt is made to engage the child in conversation.

2. A non judgemental attitude helps.

3. The child is not blamed or accused of his behaviours.

4. A confidentiality based rapport is established.

5. The child is helped to engage in conversations about his life and goals.

6. A discussion about his behaviours and it's consequences is then undertaken with the help of some Experiential games and activities.

These are a few points to start with.

Once the child's confidence is won only then discussion on modifying phone related behaviours are resorted to.

If introduced prematurely the session would end abruptly and therapy would backfire.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

हम भी है सीवान

हारे हैं हम भी बार बार
रोएं हैं दिल हार ज़ार ज़ार
हिम्मत हमको भी बंधा दो ना
हमको भी गले लगा लो ना

मेहनत हम भी तो करते हैं
खेती मजदूरी कर दम भरते हैं
बारिश कहीं पे आती नहीं
और कहीं बाढ़ में हम मरते हैं

घबराहट हमको भी होती है
जब परेशानी नहीं झिलती है
मायूसी से नम आंखें रोती हैं
हमको भी ढाढस बंधा दो ना

हिम्मत ना हारेंगे हम भी कभी
पिता समान तुम हो जो खड़े
उम्मीदें तुमसे ही बांधी हैं
हमको भी तो पहचानो ना

गली गली और शहर शहर
कर देंगे स्वच्छ और सुंदर
सपनों का भारत बनाएंगे
हम भी चांद पर जाएंगे

करके तो देखो विश्वास हम पर
कर्तव्य पथ पर चलके हम भी
भारत को कर देंगे उज्वल उज्वल
सोने की चिड़िया फिर से कहाएंगे

- डॉ चीनू अग्रवाल (मुक्ति)

Monday, September 2, 2019

Learning Psychology with Dr Chinu Agrawal.

*Learning Psychology with Dr Chinu Agrawal*

Dr Chinu Agrawal, Ph.D, is a renowned Psychologist and Psychotherapist of the country. She is the Director of Feeling Minds, an organization dedicated to bring Psychology to everyone.
As a part of her mission of bringing Psychology and it's benefits to people, Dr Chinu  runs workshops in various parts of the country which give profound knowledge about various theories of Psychology like
1. "Transactional Analysis"
2. "Cognitive Drill Therapy"
3."Recovery Focussed Behavior therapy"
4. Rational Emotive Cognitive Behavior Therapy
5. Career Guidance and Counseling
6. Relationship Counseling
7. Parenting and Grand Parenting.
8. Experiential Emotional Education for children and adolescents.
9. Indian Psychology.
10. Teacher training.

These workshops are of two categories :
1. To create Experts in these fields who can then start their own practice in these fields.
2. Providing these services to people.

The duration and cost of these workshops vary from 2 to 15 days. Rs 5500/- to Rs 2lakhs.

There are various ways to associate with Feeling Minds®and Dr Chinu Agrawal.

1. Becoming a Franchise partner and starting your own venture in this field.

2. Becoming an associate and getting Feeling Minds®programs in your cities.

3. Getting trained in Feeling Minds®ROI based programs and starting your own enterprise.

Our vision is to reach atleast 2 crore people every year and equip them with the benefits of action research in Psychology.

We keep conducting regular classes on whatsapp free of cost.

And are starting our paid MOOC courses online from 2020.

If you are interested in becoming a part of our learning whatsapp group, please fill the following details and whatsapp to 9837007165.

1. Name :
2. Qualification :
3. Occupation:
4. Experience:
5. Interests : 
6. Email id :
7. Postal address:

Thank you.