Thursday, August 22, 2019

What does a Psychologist do?

I am so sorry friends, I cannot read your mind. I can also not "train your brain" nor can I "coach your mind". I can also honestly not *change* you.

I am only a Psychologist. Then what do I exactly do?

I can only help you to explore your own choices in a neutral, scientific and Systematic manner.

I can collaborate with you to bring about a change in yourself which you feel is necessary to become more productive, effective and happier.

I can educate you about the processes of the mind so that you understand yourself better. So that you can put your thinking, feeling and behaving in a perspective and realise where and what is going wrong.

I can listen to you nonjudgmentally and help you to put your problems in realistic proportions.

I can facilitate your discovery of your own solutions to your problems through a rational discussion.

I can teach you certain Psychology based theories and concepts in a simplified manner in order to help you understand human mind and behaviour.

I can help you to develop certain skills which will help you in coping with your day to day stresses and emotional upsets.

I can help you to scientifically assess and evaluate yourself with the help of scientific, reliable and validated psychometric tools to get an insight about your own personality, choose a career etc.

I can help you to gain insight in your own thinking and behaviour patterns and how they can be modified if required to more beneficial and Rational ones.

I can help you to gain an understanding about how the human mind functions so that you can understand and accept others and manage your relationships and conflicts in a much better way.

Remember, only you can change yourself as the door of change is locked from inside.

I can only knock on it.

Warm regards,

Dr Chinu Agrawal, Ph.D
Psychologist and Psychotherapist
Director: Feeling Minds®

*Your partner in your Emotional growth*