I myself was taught by seniors in my family at a tender age that "You should not trust men" "All they want from a woman is her body" "Keep yourself covered in layers as they might be watching you with their X-ray eyes".
With these and many such lessons we grow up and get into relationships with prejudice against men in general and sex in particular. Most Indian women are not able to enjoy sex even in their marraiges because of this learnt repulsion. Being called "sexy" is not a compliment but a derogatory remark. And of course we never use the same remark for men ever! Did anyone teach us that "Sex is healthy"? Or that "Sex gives us pleasure"? Or that "Sex is beneficial for our mental and physical health"? Or that "A wife can also ask for sex, it doesn't always have to be initiated by the husband?" Or that "Having Sex relieves stress?" Or that "We are entitled to our own bodies?"
Or that "We can talk openly about our own sexual requirements with our male partners?".
I had a newly wedded couple for Counseling a few weeks ago. The girl said, "if he loves me he is supposed to know what I will like and what I will not?". Nobody can read our minds. It's okay to talk to him about what you like and what you don't. Trust men for once and give them a chance to know you better. They are also learning to come out of stereotypes. And I have seen an equal number of men as nervous as women are.
Sex is afterall the language of the soul. Let's listen to speak it. The Divine Dance is not possible without our efforts to be real and intimate in a relationship truly.
Let's accept ourselves alongwith our Sexuality and become truly empowered Women !